Dear Subscribers,
As a subscriber to, I don’t want to seem like an alarmist to you in any way....
But… [There is always a ‘but.’]
If you’re following the news (both here at and elsewhere), I’m going to offer you some free advice, a “heads-up,” if you will: Stock up now on whatever foods and supplies you need for your household (e.g., frozen foods, non-perishables, and paper products like toilet paper).
“Always plan ahead. It wasn’t raining when Noah built the ark.” – Richard Cushing
Here’s why: Within a few days and, almost certainly, by the end of the week, presuming the longshoremen’s strike continues that long (as it likely will) with supply chain shortages fresh on their minds from 2021-2022, the general public will begin ‘panic buying,' even if there are no immediate shortages.
It’s human nature and, according to this post on X, panic buying has already started in New Jersey.
I hope I’m wrong. [I more-than-occasionally am, by the way.]
Don’t go “hog wild”…just, you know, ‘hope for the best, prepare for the worst' (as the saying goes).
That’s my free advice. Please take it or leave it.
Best regards,
Peter [aka ‘The Editor’]