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Labor Relations Radio
Labor Relations Radio, Ep. 40—LRI's Phil Wilson on the State of the Post-Pandemic Workplace

Labor Relations Radio, Ep. 40—LRI's Phil Wilson on the State of the Post-Pandemic Workplace

Photo by Andy Holmes on Unsplash

Phil Wilson is President and General Counsel of the Labor Relations Institute and is a national expert on labor relations and creating positive workplaces. He is regularly featured in the business media including Fox Business News, Bloomberg News, HR Magazine, and the New York Times.

Wilson is a highly regarded keynote speaker, an adjunct professor at Northeastern State University, and the author of numerous books and articles on labor relations, union corruption and creating a positive workplace, including: The Approachability Playbook; Left of Boom (which reached number 2 on’s Hot Human Resource Books); Managing the Union Shop; and Model Contract Clauses.

In this episode of Labor Relations Radio, Phil joins host Peter List to discuss post-pandemic workplace challenges, union organizing, the labor shortages impacting businesses and state of the economy.

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Labor Relations Radio
A podcast covering employee and labor relations news, featuring guests with diverse backgrounds and points of view.